Would you like to compete for your school at Eventing competitions across the country?

The NSEA has two styles of eventing competitions based within an arena:
A) Arena Eventing (also known as Jumping with Style) This technical competition format has four components
1) a riding style mark, 2) SJ jumping penalties, 3) XC jumping penalties, 4) time penalties
Some of our Pony & Junior GB eventing medallists and top show jumpers have had great success in this event in their former years.
B) Eventer’s Challenge– Show jumping & Arena XC fences with an optimum time & no style marks. The skill is to jump a clear round within an optimum time. The NSEA Eventers Challenge Championships take place on the world famous hallowed turf at the All England Jumping Course, Hickstead. This competition is rapidly growing in popularity and some competitions include water complexes, steps, ditches etc.

What to wear

  • XC shirt, or sweatshirt ( no hoods) long sleeved. These can be school sweatshirts or games shirts or skins (ie rugby or hockey tops)
  • Approved Body Protector,
  • Approved XC Skull Cap,
  • Beige breeches/ jodhpurs, Boots – either long or short with leather chaps(black or dark brown),
  • Hairnets. Note – hair must be tied up above collar length
  • Gloves

Arena Eventing with the NSEA

  • NSEA Arena Eventing (JwS) team & individual qualifiers for the annual NSEA National Championships at Addington 70cm-1.10m in October.
  • Qualifiers are held throughout the country and start in January each year
  • Eventers Challenge Team & Individual qualifiers for the NSEA Eventers Challenge Championships at Hickstead 70cm-1m in May.
  • Qualifiers start in the autumn term for the following year and are held throughout the country.
Thanks for running these amazing events and giving riders the chance to compete at such prestigious venues. The standard is a credit to the organisation and hard work of the people behind the NSEA.
Team Manager, Lady Manners School
Fantastic! We will be back next year!
National Championships Team Manager
I wish this had been in existence when I was at school!
Team Manager
The children stood up in assembly and were wished good luck for the Grass Roots Regional Final
Supporting Team Teacher
We loved our weekend but our successes this year made it even more special
GM – National Championships Team Parent

What are the next steps to getting NSEA membership for your school?

For all Arena Eventing and Eventers Challenge Competitions, go to the NSEA Competition Dates Page
Go to the Membership page to affiliate your school today and join in the fun!