Would you like to compete for your school at Dressage competitions at home or across the country?

There are NSEA dressage competitions for everyone from Walk and trot tests through to Meduim level!
Most dressage competitions take place on sand arenas, unless otherwise stated.

What to wear

  • Tweed, navy or black jacket or school blazer.
  • Shirt and tie or stock shirt,
  • Beige or white breeches/ jodhpurs,
  • Black or brown boots. Matching half chaps may be worn with short boots
  • Gloves.
  • Hair to be worn above the collar. Hairnets for longer hair- no loose pony tails

Dressage with the NSEA

  • Grass Roots Walk & Trot Tests
  • County Team & Individual Qualifiers for the National County Champs Prelim & Novice level
  • Team & Individual Qualifiers for the National Championships Prelim-Medium level
  • NSEA Pop-Up Dressage tests can be ridden anywhere !
We all appreciate how much work it takes to organise such a huge event so competently. You must all be absolutely shattered!
National Championships Team Parent
We loved our weekend but our successes this year made it even more special
GM – National Championships Team Parent
The children stood up in assembly and were wished good luck for the Grass Roots Regional Final
Supporting Team Teacher
We loved the courses
County Championship Team Rider
Our students have suddenly started to put so much more back into the heart of the school
Happy Headteacher

What are the next steps to getting NSEA membership for your school?

Go to the NSEA Competition Dates page to see our full range of dressage competitions.

Affiliate your school to the NSEA today and join in the fun!